Welcome to Toyota Nation Avensis owners!
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Reply 1 : Welcome to the Avensis Forum!
last year I bought a Toyota avensis, second hand car still in warranty period, only34000 km , after only one year of use,a sensor on the board started to light, Iwent to a toyota service and they told me that is a big problem with my catalytic exhaustion pipe,need to change it.Is it normal for a toyota car with50000 km to have this kind of problem? I know many cars with many many km on the board with no problems, please give me a suggestion what to do!
Reply 2 : Welcome to the Avensis Forum!
If it is still under warranty you should be able to get it fixed for free. ...not sure how that stuff korks in Romania tho.
I had the same issue with the primary cat on my tC (same thing as the Avensis sept its a coupe)
Reply 3 : Welcome to the Avensis Forum!
please i have an avensis 1zz-fe any one with the ecu pinout 2lines 3 sockets
Reply 4 : Welcome to the Avensis Forum!
Greetings all am new to the forums but i need some help guys i have avensis it has seriuos wiring problems i need a ecupinout and the wiring diagram it is a 1zz-fe 3 sockets and 2 lines in each socket please any links or diagrams will be appreaciated am an electrician
Reply 5 : Welcome to the Avensis Forum!
vkamuyu try the Matrix, Celica or Corolla forums. All of those Toyotas also came with the 1zz-fe.
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