I really like most things about the '11 Highlander but everytime I use the heated seat controls I feel like I'm on one of those hidden camera shows - waiting for the guy to jump out and tell me I've been punked.
I am not a design engineer but whoever came up with the design needs to find a new career. Manipulating that tiny "stem" while driving can be a challenge. If wearing any type of gloves it is all but impossible.
Here's an idea... why couldn't they have made the spring loaded button the ON/OFF switch? That way once you had the temperature set the way you like it turning it off and on would be a simply matter of pressing the button.
I'm coming from a '01 HL Limited which had the nice big heated seat push buttons right on the console. The '11 is a big step backwards.
Reply 1 : '11 SE - Heated seat controls?
I agree, the switch is not the best. Its also covered by the shifter.
Reply 2 : '11 SE - Heated seat controls?
Maybe that's Toyota's point....to not play with it while driving. You know how they are, always finding ways to CYA, so to speak, like Nav overrides, etc.
Reply 3 : '11 SE - Heated seat controls?
Granted it's annoying but I was even more appalled when my dealership courtesy rental 2011 corolla had the clock around that same area...

Reply 4 : '11 SE - Heated seat controls?
I kinda like the way the buttons look like that wit the little shifting knob, i kinda think tats a bit classy touch to the interior design
Reply 5 : '11 SE - Heated seat controls?
THIS is my biggiest gripe about the HL interior! I hate using these little nubs, I feel like I'm gonna brake them or bump the shifter.
My 11 year old GP has a huge switch with two options, Hi or Lo. I love it. Simple to use, and practially impossible to get wrong while driving. I dont have to look at what I'm doing. In the HL I always have to look for these little nubs, push them to pop them out, and then move my hand awkwardly to turn the dial.
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