Reply 1 : Launching... HP or TQ???
don't forget clutch wear...
Reply 2 : Launching... HP or TQ???
You don't want max torque or max Hp when launching. You'll roast your tires.
Go to the dragstrip and have fun learning which rpm's to drop or slip the clutch. Play with your tire pressures to get optimun 60ft. times.
I'd go 2600-2800 rpms.
Reply 3 : Launching... HP or TQ???
Reply 4 : Launching... HP or TQ???
HP gets ears going
TQ gets your car going
but when you lanch off the line you dont want to be that high you will just spin the tires.
best bet is to start around 2300 rpms. and as for shifting, what you want to do it shift at the right time. when you are at you top HP AND TQ and shift to the next gear and it isnt at to low of rpms and you dont losse power. some times you must go over your peek TQ rpm but under you peek HP. to get a smooth and even acceleration thru out all your gears.
like Nad1370 said go to a track and find out you gearing and how you feel best doing it. even if we knew everything about your car and the right time to shift and the right rpm to drop the cluch doesnt mean anything is you dont feel right about doing it.
so find the place in the middle of the 2 and that is the best way for you. we all do it different
Reply 5 : Launching... HP or TQ???
Reply 6 : Launching... HP or TQ???
It's different for everyone but I normally shift high up in the RPM range, right before the power begins to drop off. Shifting near redline tends to bring the RPMs back to the peak torque point which I believe gives good acceleration. It works for me
Reply 7 : Launching... HP or TQ???
The best way that i was able to launch on my GSR was launch just b4 my top tq and then after the initial launch, shift at max hp. like Dirtjump9 said, its different for everyone and i found out that my way worked out pretty good on the GSR since it doesnt have much tq, but light as hell.
Reply 8 : Launching... HP or TQ???
Originally Posted by importdriver007 |
Reply 9 : Launching... HP or TQ???
You don't want to shift at your max torque...because then when you go into the next gear you are going to be way out of your powerband. You want to shift at whatever RPM drops to your peak torque in the next gear when upshifting (Example: drive at 4,000 RPM in 4th gear and then drop it down to 3rd gear if you can and whatever RPM you're at is when you want to shift).
And for launching, you DEFINITELY do NOT want to drop the cluth at peak power (torque or horsepower). You will spin and your 60ft times will blow and 1/4 mile times. Like said before, go to a track and experiment. First try 2,000 RPM then maybe 3,000 RPM and whatever gets you off the line quicker is what you'll want to do.
Make sense?
Reply 10 : Launching... HP or TQ???
Tires play a big roll in getting off the line right too, dont forget that. Crappy tires + max torque = massive wheel spin.
Reply 11 : Launching... HP or TQ???
Launch as close to your peak torque as your tires will hold. If you can launch at 3k and not spin, launch at 3k. If you can launch at 4k and not spin, launch at 4k.
The key is to launch as hard as you can with minimal wheel spin. You want to spin some, not a lot.
Shift at redline, everytime. What's more important then where your peak HP is, is staying in your power band. If you short shift, your going to drop out of your power band. Shift at redline.
-Launch as hard as you can with minimal spinning
-shift at redline.
Reply 12 : Launching... HP or TQ???
unholy thread revival lmao
but this should be stickied

Reply 13 : Launching... HP or TQ???
Nice set of sticky tires with big n' littles, launch off the rev limiter, and pray the drivetrain holds up
Reply 14 : Launching... HP or TQ???
I ran a 14.72 with my XRS on stock 2650 lbs weight that makes piddly amount of torque down low(with little modifications such as intake and exhaust, lighter weight wider wheels etc.) Many cars with a lot more torque (albeit much heavier) cannot come close to this time.
Simply, you want to make sure you can get off the line fast enough to not get bogged down while if you give too much revs, you might end up spinning like crazy and not go anywhere. It is a delicate balance that only you can find out through experimentation since every car has a different torque band (some make lots down low and plummet as the revs climb while others can make piddly amounts down low and then makes lots on top etc.) .
In my current state, the car puts down around 140 ft-lbs of torque at a lofty 6800 rpm and well over 190 HP + @ 8000 rpm. In fact, the car has very little torque below 4000 rpm. However, once the needle swings past 6000 rpm the car pulls insanely hard uptill 8400 rpm and never lets off after that gear change to gear change.
In short, gearing, the way your torque builds over the rpm (whether it holds flat or falls on its face as the rpms climb etc.) all play a major factor.
The trick was I launched from 4000 rpm as the car tried to hook up, the revs fell to 3200 - 3300 rpm as the tires were struggling to find traction and then as soon as the car hooked up, the needle zoomed up to 8400 rpm. Having such a wider rpm band and short gearing allows a lot of torque multiplication so I needed to find the perfect spot where I do not spin without going anywhere while not enough revs would make me bog down badly due to lack of torque down low.
Hope that helps.
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