Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Buying a N-fab Product? I have a free $50 off credit for you

Note: I'm now giving away $75 of my free credit...

Ok...this is kind of odd, but you can read about my story here ->

White Truck and Nfab light bar Dilemma

Need the cheapest "decent" light bar lights - Toyota Tundra Forums : Tundra Solutions Forum

The thing is....I just showed my wife what I wanted to do and she hates it...absolutely hates the idea of lights on the front. So...its not going to happen.

So, I'm willing to split my nfab credit with you if you want to buy nfab nerf steps, prerunner, rear runner, rsp bumper, etc. Since other websites only discount the nfab steps, most likely this will only be worthwhile if you are wanting to buy anything but the nfab steps (prerunner, tiremounts, replacement bumper, etc)

If you are buying an nfab product...here is an easy $50 off the nfab direct price (prices on nfab website). You want it? Just PM me. I'll edit this post when its gone.

Reply 1 : Buying a N-fab Product? I have a free $50 off credit for you

DOH!!! I just bought my regular cab nerf steps a couple weeks ago!

Very kind of you to offer, hopefully someone will take advantage!

Reply 2 : Buying a N-fab Product? I have a free $50 off credit for you

Anybody buying a nfab product?

Here, I will split even more of my credit with you...I'm now offering $75 off if you want to buy a nfab product...

Can't beat that. Especially since we'll be buying direct from Nfab so you get direct shipping from them (unlike if you buy from like 4wheelonline which I did....nfab ships to them and then 4wheelonline ships to you...takes almost 3 weeks instead of 5 business days...)

Reply 3 : Buying a N-fab Product? I have a free $50 off credit for you

Any takers yet? I thought that this would have been gone already....$75 off for free is still a lot of money in my book...

Reply 4 : Buying a N-fab Product? I have a free $50 off credit for you

Anyone interested? If someone doesn't take this soon, I'll just try craigslist or something....or maybe keep the credit and see if they make any new products in the future or something....I was hoping to give the credit to someone here on the forum to help out a fellow member.....

Reply 5 : Buying a N-fab Product? I have a free $50 off credit for you

Oh dang...I forgot to mention....they are also giving me free shipping....so ignore that charge on n-fab's website.

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